05 Apr 10 apps every college student should be aware of
As digital technology continues to improve, there are more and more apps to help make studying both easier and more fun. The traditional ways of studying are gone with the 90s. No student in this day and age has the time to prepare notes and flashcards. Studying does not mean spending hours in the library anymore and we are glad. All the college students now on laptops and Smartphones and even though they are continuously blamed for distracting the students, using the right apps and tools can allow you to stay organised and complete the assigned tasks on time. The mobile applications available 20 days fulfil myriad functions and you can save a lot of time and energy in this overwhelming academic environment. Other than this, another excellent way to save some time and energy is to take help from the online assignment writing websites. Life as a student becomes extremely occupied and stressful. You have to buy books, take exams, make friends, complete assignments and score good marks to ensure that it contributes to a successful career. Your life in college can become a lot more organised if you take help from the websites providing assignment writing services online. Assignment work help is one such website that has got an entire panel of experts who cover a wide variety of subjects and themes to write assignments, essays, reports, articles, thesis and dissertations. We write 100% original, customised and top quality homework for students from Australia and all over the world. You can contact us through our website and avail our affordable services right away.
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We know that as a youngster there are a number of apps on your mobile phone that you cannot live without but as a student there are some mobile helpers that you SHOULD not live without. The apps below will help you with everything from saving money to finding food to getting to class on time.
- Mint
Mint is the free money manager and financial tracker app that does it all. It will allow you to manage all your finances easily and in one place. Managing money while in college can be a struggle; trust us, we know. Wanting to devote time to your classroom responsibilities and to your social life can take a hit on your pockets. Mint is a budgeting app that can help the students in keeping a track of their finances, as well as help them understand where they can make some budget cuts of their own.
It also allows you to set a budget for every month and the alerts from the application will remind you constantly of the budget and how much you can spend which will help you in the long run. Another excellent feature of this app is the debt-payoff planner. This allows you to create an effective plan for paying off your debt. This feature can be easily prioritised by the students by ranking on the basis of the balance and the interest rate. So when you are planning to pay off your credit card bills for your student loan, Mint will do all the math for you and allow you to be frugal.
2. Your University App
If your University is huge, it becomes difficult to keep up with all the events and happenings going on around the campus. Having your university application at your fingertips will provide you all the information that you need from the cultural events to your exams schedule and lectures. The university applications also provide you with important contact information and valuable links that you may not find anywhere else.
- GroupMe
GroupMe is another excellent tool designed for exchanging group messages. This single app works with all the platforms which ensure that you do not have to enter a dreaded debate of Apple versus Android with your classmates.
It is also a perfect solution that enables you to stay in touch with your classmates, club members and project partners. This organises all your messages and will be a severe if you don’t like being bombarded with hundreds of messages.
- com App
There is an insane amount of writing and reading required in college. Having a dictionary and thesaurus at your fingertips will be very helpful in understanding the text and acing your test and exams.
Dictionary.com will help you in finding definitions for English words, learning to spell, studying grammar and picking up new vocabulary with Dictionary.com. You can also look up online dictionary definitions and thesaurus synonyms with a touch with the help of this app.
- LiveSafe
Safety is a major concern when you are going to college. Your safety is a priority for your friends and family and should also be important for you at all times. LiveSafe is an app that helps in preventing sexual assault and violence in schools and colleges. This smartphone app allows the students to report for any incident silently or even anonymously by attaching pictures, videos or audio files.
The SafeWalk feature of this app enables the GPS of your phone to allow your friends and family to keep a digital I on you. You can also notify your campus officials are the local police department about any such event or situation.
- Evernote
In college, notes are everything– how else are you going to study for those finals and ace all of your exams? Evernote helps students like you keep everything streamlined and organized in one place. You can enhance notes with checklists, links, attachments, audio recordings, and more.
Evernote helps you focus on what matters most and have access to your information when you need it. You can easily input typed notes or scan handwritten notes with this app. With the free version, you can sync your notes across two devices, search for text inside images, clip web pages, and more. Evernote Plus offers the ability to sync unlimited devices for $34.99 per year.
- 7 Minute Workout
Most of the students lose the willpower and motivation to devote time to learn the workouts in the midst of exams, assignments, jobs and college schedule. Thankfully, the 7 Minute Workout app will allow you to exercise in short spurts between your classes and study sessions.
This 7 minutes workout is based on HICT (high intensity circuit training), proven to be the “safest, most effective, and most efficient” way to improve your muscular and aerobic fitness, and make you healthier.
- Quizlet
Quizlet is the easiest way to practice and master what you’re learning. You can create your own flashcards and study sets or choose from millions created by other students on this platform. Quizlet is a leading education and flashcard app that makes studying languages, history, vocab and science simple yet effective.
Whether you’re doing standardized test prep for big exams like the SAT or ACT, studying for an upcoming midterm or test in school or learning new concepts, Quizlet’s learning app can help you learn with confidence. Use the Quizlet learning app for any subject, including vocabulary, biology, chemistry, social studies, AP, GRE and more. Learn foreign languages more effectively with study modes that allow you to memorize vocabulary, learn pronunciation and test yourself in more than 18 foreign languages, including Spanish, French, German and Chinese.
- VenMo
Whether you have to split the cost of the latest cab ride or for the fancy dinner with your friends or classmates, VenMo allows college students to avoid scrambling for cash. This app also makes sure that your friends do not make an excuse when they have to pay you back. It is an excellent alternative to carrying cash at all times and the social networking function of this app makes it more fun.
You can apply for the Venmo card, and you could be on your way to shopping everywhere MasterCard is accepted. It also allows you to avoid any awkward conversation with your friends related to splitting the purchases and bills.
- Headspace
The classes, deadlines and tight schedule of the college can be a reason for a lot of stress and fatigue in your student life. It is important to stay organised but it is also important to take care of your mental health and your body. The Headspace app allows you to take a few minutes of this rat race and practice mindfulness and meditation anywhere and anytime.
This app only offers for 10 day trial but we are sure that it will allow you to come down, breathe better and dislocate yourself from your surroundings and stress. We highly recommend using this app to try out the regime and see if it helps you out. If nothing else, this app will remind you to come down for 10 minutes a day. It will also help you in focusing on your feelings on a deeper level.

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