13 Jul 10 essay tips for international students in Australia
We understand that essay writing is a challenging task but we are here to make it easier for you. This resource is designed specifically for addressing the challenges in essay writing faced by international students in Australia. It will not only take away all your worries and concerns related to that impending essay but also make the task more exciting and fun. With the help of these tips, you will learn how to brainstorm, write, structure, and revise your essay so that you can stand out from your peers.
- Read essays
Visit your college library and read essays written by fellow students are the previous essays submitted by your seniors. Prepare notes about the strengths and weaknesses of these essays and rate them on the basis of the persuasive argument included in the essays. Do you find the arguments balanced? Do you feel that the points are adequately supported with the necessary evidence? Make note of all these factors when reading.
- Read outside text
Do not restrict your reading practice to the essays but also go through the newspapers, websites, blogs, and magazines for any academic text of your interest. By reading more you will be able to put across your thoughts and arguments in a logical manner when you structure an essay.
- Build your vocabulary
Keep track of the new words and use them for building your vocabulary. A good vocabulary is a characteristic of an excellent academic essay. Therefore, build your vocabulary by reading widely and referring to the dictionary for all the words that you do not know.
- Learn the proper use of words
Do not use big words just for the sake of it. When you are working on your vocabulary ensure that your essay is not made up of meaningless meanderings and fancy words that do not contribute to the overall text. Make sure that you review the essay and remove any extra words or paragraphs that do not contribute to the argument that you make.
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- Plan in advance
As an international student, understand that you would have to work extra hard to write a good quality essay in a foreign language. Do not wait for the teachers to assign you with the deadline and start reading and gathering information on the topic as early as possible.
- Brainstorm
Think of all the ideas and information and brainstorm rigorously before you commit the ideas and arguments to your essay. Brainstorming allows you to find links between the information and will also make your overall argument more cohesive and organised.
- Use the basic structure
All the academic essays are expected to follow the very basic structure. By following the structure presented below you can easily slot with theories and arguments for the information that you have gathered on the topic and also ensure that your essay is well crafted.
Introduction: Introduce the topic of your essay and also include any relevant characteristic, statistic or fact related to the topic. This will reel in your readers and will also allow you to progress to the main statement of the essay.
Body: This is where the meat of your essay lies. After outlining the topic of your essay and what all you are going to include in it, it is time to present all the information. Make sure that you provide all the ideas in a straightforward manner and back up all your points with evidence. This will ensure that you have considered the ideas of the people who have written on the topic before you and also included your own thoughts and ideas on the material. Divide the paragraphs on the basis of the subjects and ideas discussed throughout the essay.
Conclusion: Do not introduce any more ideas for new information at this stage. Sum up the entire essay with a few clear and concise statements communicating your argument and your stance to the reader.
- Avoid repeating yourself
Avoid stating the same information again and again and repeating yourself by focusing on using effective words and language. Create and follow a good structure throughout the essay and vary your language by making use of the words like ‘however’, ‘therefore’, ‘furthermore’ and ‘moreover’.
- Proofread
Once you are finished writing your essay always take time to proofread and read back through. Sometimes it becomes important to proofread the essay more than one time for finding out all the mistakes and ensuring that you do not submit raw writing.
- Do not over work
It is very important to take regular breaks when working on an essay. It will ensure that you do not make any careless mistakes and only submit your best work. If you feel like you are unable to put the perfect essay together you can always take help from the online websites that offer clear advice and guidance. Assignment work help is one such educational portal that provides assistance and essay writing services so that you are able to produce a grammatically correct, informative and plagiarism free essay that helps you in getting good marks. Contact us today!

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