25 Jan Read the List of Commonly Used Linking Words
Transition words and phrases which are also popular as linking words are used to connect various sentences and words while writing an Essay, Article, or assignment. These transition words are used to express ideas in a graceful and stylish manner. Teachers, students, writers, etc. make use of transition phrases to create transition sentences in order to express and link various ideas. It provides a proper structure to the essay or content and makes it more appealing to the audience. Creative writers ensure to involve various good transition words to communicate the ideas to the audience clearly and to express the relationships between different concepts vividly.
Transition words that add information
These are the words used to add on more information in the sentences in such a way that a link between previous sentences can also be maintained. Some of these commonly used linking words are:
- Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly and so on
- In addition to
- Furthermore
- Moreover
- Additionally
- Also
- In like manner
- In addition
- And
- Besides that, etc.
- We will spend almost one week here to complete our work. Another reason for us staying here this long is to attend an important conference.
- Joey loves to eat pizza. Also, he is fond of eating a burger with fries.
- His favoritecolors are green, red, and
Transition words to repeat information
Repeating information while writing an essay or article is important to emphasize important details in order to bring more clarity. For this, some following linking words are used by the writers:
- In other words
- In fact
- To put it in another way
- To repeat
- Identically
- Likewise
- In the same way, etc.
- Moving out of the home during night time is full of danger in this area. To repeat, avoid going out at night and stay safe at home.
- I really do not like dull colors for my home decor. In other words, I like to use bright shades to add color to my living space.
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Words that show contradiction or opposition
In essays or speech, opposing or contradictory thoughts need to be expressed properly and strongly to convince the readers. For this, several contradictory essay transition words are used:
- But
- Or
- Unlike
- Instead
- Although
- Otherwise
- Rather
- Nevertheless
- Regardless
- Even so
- In contrast
- However
- Rather than, etc.
- I washed the dishes, although I was out of energy.
- I prefer to eat out rather than staying at home.
- I cannot go shopping with you. Though, I really wanted to accompany you.
Transition words to express time relationship
For depicting the relationship between time, transition wordlist is used. Some of these transitional phrases are as follows:
- Last night
- Before, after
- At the present time
- To begin with
- Since, then, still, until, when, once
- Next, now, later, soon
- Eventually, whenever, henceforth, while
- In the meantime
- All of a sudden
- Finally, earlier, etc.
- Ria was still asleep when I came back from the office.
- The beginning of the movie was much better than the ending.
- I was not at my home last night.
Words used for quoting examples and for emphasis
Examples are used to provide support for ideas and arguments. For this, some transition words are used commonly.
- Such as
- For example
- For Instance
- To demonstrate
- To illustrate
- Notably
- To be sure
- In detail
- To clarify
- To explain
- Especially
- Surprisingly
- Particularly, etc.
- Some changes need to adopt for improving the work culture of the organization. For instance, employees should be given a proper platform to express their ideas
- I like bright colors. Particularly, yellow, red, and blue.
Words used for conclusion or summary
These words are used to conclude or summarise the ideas and opinions.
- In conclusion
- To sum up
- To conclude
- For example
- Finally
- In the final analysis
- Obviously
- Ultimately, etc.
- To sum up, transition words are used to link and join the sentences.
- Finally, I want to wish you good luck.
Usage of transition words
Transition words and phrases are used for essays, articles other literary writing to make them appealing and creative. They help to improve the connections between sentences and paragraphs. Thus, linking words give a meaningful and logical structure to the content. Transition words follow a special rule of punctuation. A semicolon or period is used after the first sentence and a comma is used with the transition word in the second sentence.
The list of transition words is huge but above mentioned are the commonly used linking words. In case of any help related to assignments, feel free to contact assignment work help. Our professional writers are always ready to help and we ensure quality work.

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